Friday, August 15, 2014

Capture the Feeling of Runner's High and RUN with It!

I have acknowledged this topic once already... but maybe I didn't pay it full respect.

This blog was also born through a runner's high. If you haven't run, maybe you don't know what exactly I'm talking about.

What is it?
It's the moment when you actually get so caught up in what you are doing, that you feel much more powerful and capable than you normally do (or actually are).... that's why I run.

In one of those moments, I thought about cleaning house on my life- being true to myself and doing what mattered to me instead of those around me. I also thought about how, as moms, we SO often do things for everyone else and not for ourselves because it's our nature, and really, as moms, it's a role we fall into quite naturally.

So as I was imagining myself jumping off of sidewalks and doing roundhouse kicks into the sunset (I'm serious, this stuff actually occurs to me- it looks much more cool in my mind than real life, unfortunately), the idea of sharing it all out was born. 

I am inspired by moms who create community, and I wanted a chance to do the same. 

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