This morning I was thinking about my success this time around. Sometimes I wonder, what makes me able to be successful with weight loss and why other times it seems like SUCH a struggle?
I know a TON about nutrution and exercise. I'm smart enough. But smarts don't usually equal skinny. How come?
I have recently come to the realization that I'm a SERIOUS sugar addict. And it usually ends up ruining my attempts to stay healthy. So weight loss this time for me has been about figuring out what sugar is ok, and how much I can have without being addicted.
For me, this all came together when we cleaned house on our eating. Cleaned about 85% of the crap out of the cupboards, tried to avoid processed foods, and cut out as much refined sugar as possible. I LOOOVE to bake, so I still make treats. But I try and use honey or other healthy sweeteners to do so. Like this yummo thing!
The other thing that has really helped has been using Isagenix (insert eyeroll).
Quick Backstory with this:
If you know me, you know that I am a huge skeptic of using diet and weight loss systems. I have tried most of them. I also know that many of these so called protein shakes are loaded with crap and are not nearly as healthy as they are supposed to be, even if they are attached to phrase du jour 'clean eating'. Husband started using it first, so I jumped on the internet looking for some serious evidence that he was being scammed and he could have a healthier diet by eating clean and calorie counting (my tried and true approach). Because clearly he was being scammed! No real evidence out there that it is crap. Humph. In fact, quite the opposite.
Eventually I gave in when I realized that it was organic and packed with stuff that I was really struggling to get into my busy mom lunches. I haven't turned back since. Hubby uses the whole system, I use mostly shakes, bars and ionix for energy. The shakes are quick and super tasty and ACTUALLY keep me really full. Didn't think that was possible!
So what really helped me, was the coming together of these two things- quick convenient nutrition that I actually believe in, and clean eating while watching out for that terrible sugar. Isagenix really supports this as well. Hubby and I started eating and making awesome food for our meals (thank you Pinterest for all the recipes) and shakes for the other.
In the first month I think he lost something like 15 pounds. He's not a big guy, so that's a lot! I lost 10 (still breastfeeding so I didn't go crazy with cutting calories). Best part is that after a 30 day cleanse system, we are still on the wagon 5 months later. I've lost more weight and he has maintained his loss, which the man says he's never been able to do before! Hence why I actually buy into this product.
The other thing that I really worry about with dieting and being super short on sleep (babies) is energy. Hubby even commented to me this time around that i'm not nearly so grouchy about getting up a few times a night and never being able to nap. AMEN to that!
I am starting to really KNOW about sugar. I know when it's gotten ahold of me, and I start to get that, more more more! feeling. It doesn't mean that I can always stop myself but sometimes I can. I also am aware that there are things I can put into my body if i'm craving sugar, to get the cravings to stop.
Here's a link I actually find really helpful for identifying cravings, and what type of food your body is actually asking for. My fav. is knowing that when my body needs something, I can look it up (or memorize it as I have know) and usually kill the craving. That's the kind of nutrition I really believe in!
Chart for cravings and what you can eat (scroll halfway down for the chart)
I'm writing about it because it's starting to come up a lot with people asking what I'm doing to lose weight. I'm getting hairy eyeballs when I say I run 3 days a week and eat well, so here is the other piece of the puzzle that is working for me!
And with that, I'm off for my post run shake. Yum!
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