At the risk of sounding like running is at the center of my life, I'm going to talk about it yet again.
We went camping this weekend! Camping with young kids is interesting at the best of times, but especially interesting with a toddler and a babe- a teething one at that. That said, I don't want my kids younger years to mean we need to be confined to home. If it still has the potential to be fun, I want to do it! Also, we were with my sister's family which meant more fun- four kids under four. Pretty sure a lot of people in that campground weren't too sad when our noise rolled out on Monday morning! Regardless, we all intended to enjoy these beautiful summer days.
Camping daytime is always fun- swimming in the lake, relaxing and eating junky food (insert guilt, no matter how pre-planned it was) and staying up late with a few friends and having some drinks.
Here's when it got ugly: About two days in, my dietary choices start to catch up with me and effect my regular bodily functions. Ugh... this is so NOT fun. Sometimes we women like to think that after having babies, we can be pre-baby body in every way. NOT SO! You might look the same to everyone else on the outside; perhaps you dodged the stretch marks and don't have a jiggly belly, but odds are that you probably still pee a little when you get excited (amongst other things). At the risk of going into too much detail, I'll just say that one of my mommy problems caught up with me and i'm now officially on the running sidelines. Boo.
Really? No shin splints or sore knees? Seriously? It can leave that feeling of, what else could possibly go wrong?
In my head, I know that my training will not fall apart if I sit on the sidelines for a week. However, I also know from my past that if I jump back in too early, I'll end up needing another week off! Exercising will power in reverse it seems to stay inactive for a few more days. Mental game in action. Working hard to stay nutritionally on track so I still feel like I'm making progress.
Insert kids, always keeping things light and in perspective.
K: "Mom, are you ok? You look silly."
Me: "What looks silly?"
K: "Your bum. You are walking funny. I think you need a stick to lean on."
Nice. At least they're observant.
So, I'm sitting on my donut and feeling sorry for myself, trying to come up with some type of alternate activity to validate my fitness.
Here's hoping that I'm ready to go by Thursday!
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