Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Stuff That Clutters Our Lives- Giving Meaningful and Purposeful Gifts

There is a lot of STUFF in my house, and sometimes, it really bugs me. Especially when the "stuff" is mainly a large pile of toys.

 I am not really about accumulating things, or wealth. I am about relationships and living happily.  Blog... balance... you get the idea.

We celebrated a huge and wonderful birthday here... my oldest boy just turned 4! The excitement in his little body was not able to be contained. He was joyful just to BE four.
When asked what he thought his birthday would be about, he suggested it might include extra kisses from mommy and daddy. Well. Pat ourselves on the back a little ... we are doing something right here! That's a wish I will try and fulfill every day of his little life.

I watched all day as he marveled at the small things. Being a new number. Getting to eat a cupcake for breakfast. Having his little besties coming out to celebrate with him at gymnastics. Several weeks later, it's still in his mind- the best day of his life. To him, at 4, this is what matters! He is a relationship kid, through and through.

He enjoyed opening the presents. He was SO grateful for each one he received. I don't ever want him to lose that gratitude, or have it replaced with entitlement! I was relieved that he LOVED his low budget present from us: A dress up box FULL of recycled clothes/costumes (Thank you Halloween for being just around the corner).

 In fact, he has played in them every day since. Again, patting myself on the back here because I am nurturing in my child a couple of great things.
1) Imaginative play
2) Play with others (although I am a little tired of being Batman)
3) Creativity and versatility.

Enough bragging.
I'm sharing with you a great article (lots out there right now) that I found that talks about gifts you can give that take on more meaning. Some of them are toys...  (yes, there are those toys that are played with again and again and dearly loved) I thought it had some really balanced and realistic ideas, rather than swinging to the extreme!

Gifts and Ideas For Clutter Free Giving  

(Great website and FB page by the way: http://frugalfun4boys.com/ ... although it's ideas definitely do not have to be so gender specific!)... digressing again...

A law that quite applies to toys: The Law of Diminishing Returns. In a nutshell how it applies to happiness:

So true. Some toys are great for a day or two when they are new... then often forgotten.

I am seeking ways to apply this more often in our adult lives also. Meaningful, thoughtful gifts, or necessary needs. Looking for ways to value our time and relationship over money and goods. Frankly, I am tired of shopping as a hobby rather than a necessity. Giving *things* often isn't as gratifying as those gifts that have some heart or elbow grease involved. I have other things I would rather fill my time with.

I sometimes feel guilty that my second child rarely gets a new toy, new clothes, new anything. Then I remind myself that that newness, and buying him things does not satisfy him. He is happy with what he has! It's to satisfy some need within me. He does not yet know about all things being equal between brothers. For those reasons I will restrain myself from getting him any *stuff* that he does not truly need. Sorry little man. You are stuck playing with the 1001 toys that big brother already owns, that are so fascinating to you for now. It's a hard life I know!

Well, perhaps the hard part is always being told to leave them alone!

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