Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Guest Post: Leslie's FunFit Weighs in on Meal Planning

It has come up for myself so often and many others I know: How do you meal plan on a busy schedule? How do you keep yourself on track for a diet? What are some healthy meals you can make?

Leslie is a mother of two, with a BUSY life! She has worked hard to keep her fitness on track while travelling and juggling her family life. 
Here is a link to her page: 

Leslie posts great workouts once a week (complete with video) as well as recipes and all sorts of awesome motivation. I love all of her healthy suggestions and positive attitude! 

Here is what she has to say:
 I began meal planning fairly recently actually and have found huge success with it. These successes are not only in my diet/weight management but it has really helped me be on top of all my daily activities as a busy, active, working mom.

As with many of you, my days are busy. I am so busy running kids around, dropping off and picking up from school, getting to work, fitting in a workout. Before I started meal planing I would either eat when I could or not eat at all. And often times when I did eat it wasn’t the healthiest choices. Even worse I would eat EVERYTHING when I got home at the end of the night. None of these were great choices and even though my workouts were extremely intense I was noticing no change in my appearance/weight.

Finally my husband and I decided to pay for a nutritionist. (Best decision we have ever made). Although we are fairly knowledgeable on nutrition we were both surprised at how much we still have to learn. Our family eats fairly healthy, we rarely eat out and limit our junk food. Our nutritionist put both of us on a strict (but still had lots of options) meal plan. As soon as we started following our meal plans we both noticed a huge difference. I finally lost the last 20 pounds I had been trying to lose for years. We had fudged our way through creating our own ‘meal’ plans which worked to an extent but I would say that hiring a nutritionist is money well spent.

Before school started this year I went and bought several packages of tupperware containers and set to work determined to eat healthy and maintain my weight. Every Sunday I spend a couple hours cooking my meals for the next 5 days. For breakfast i make breakfast pancakes (oats, egg whites, chia, flax and cinnamon). These freeze nicely and I just pop them in the toaster every morning. Quick and easy! Lunch i have a piece of fruit, a hardboiled egg (which I cook 5 of on Sunday) and a quinoa salad of sorts. (Contains quinoa, avocado and a veggie). For an afternoon snack I have a greek yogurt (which I make sure to buy enough for the week). Dinner I prepare a large salad and will cook up my protein to accompany it. (It could be ground turkey, chicken, beans etc). I weigh all my food out then have allocated one shelf in our fridge as ‘mine’. This meal plan of course was designed specifically for myself and my body, but this is just an idea of my food intake for the day.

Although it takes a little bit of prep work it is well worth it. I now am never worried about having time for food on the go, or what to make for dinner. It is quick, easy and very effective! I would highly recommend chatting with a nutritionist to find a meal plan that will work for you and then get started on meal planning!

~Leslie Rogers- Leslie's FunFit

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